
Showing posts from October, 2019

375 Manciano Way - Curti Ranch Home in South Reno, Nevada - Gorgeously H...


Don't Skip Learning

Commit and be Learning Based The Six Perspectives: Step 1: Commit to “Self-Mastery” (Think to yourself that you will be successful and you will master the skill you are trying to obtain.) Step 2: Commit to the 80/20 Principle (Focus on mastering your top priorities.) Step 3: Move from E to P (Entrepreneurial to Purposeful – Moving in entrepreneurial to purposeful is the difference between just doing something and actually mastering it.) Step 4: Make Being “Learning Based” the foundation of your action plan (This means that you are willing to be taught, willing to participate in training and actively pursue learning.) Step 5: Remove limiting beliefs (The most successful real estate agents, avoid limited thinking and focus on unlimited thinking. When you have unlimited thinking you can have unlimited real estate career success.) Step 6: Be accountable (Have the “you can count on me” attitude in everything you do.) I see a lot of agents skipping Step 4 &