(A Guest Agent is a licensed Active Agent who is doing business as a Real Estate Agent
 who is NOT the DESIGNATED HOST of the Open House.)

Agents work hard at providing good service to their clients and to others in order to obtain a good reputation in the business and to build a happy repeat business. Open Houses are one service we provide clients, as Agents. It is important we respect those who are hosting Open Houses and respect the homes of the sellers allowing these Open House events. RESPECT is the name of the game. Always think of the "Shoe on the other foot" or "If it were mine" and be super respectful that Open House Specialists are running a business and their goals and business should be respected. Here are a few tips in etiquette for you guest agents:
  1. Do not stroll up on another agent’s Open House and start passing out cards or getting your leads. (Note: Hold your own open house. Do not be a thief! That’s in very poor taste and bad Juju!)
  2. When previewing Open Houses, remember the Open House Hosts are there doing business. If buyers/sellers come in, do not continue to interrupt them or distract them with questions. They are there to service the Listing, get the Listing Sold, and generate new business for themselves. 
  3. Take your shoes off. If you are hosting or visiting an open house, expect to take your shoes off unless otherwise instructed. If you don’t like taking your shoes off, buy some booties from Home Depot and bring those with you. Don’t be rude and tramp all over these kind people’s home with your dirty shoes. 
  4. Sign in. Even if you are an agent, you should always offer to sign in or offer your card. Providing  constructive feedback to the Open House Host to present to the Sellers after the Event. This is helpful for improvements they might not have thought of in presenting their home in the best possible way.  Sellers also loved compliments on what they did right. It takes a lot of hard work getting a home ready for strangers to view while its on the market.
  5. If you show up early or late to someone’s open house, it’s customary to help them turn all the lights on or off as a fellow agent. Hosts will appreciate this and anything you can do to help may be reciprocated at YOUR next Open House. OR, your buyers may be looked at more favorably if you in good with the Listing Agent or their Team of Open House Specialists.
  6. If you are a new agent, visit a ton of Open Houses before your license comes in. This helps you become familiar with the market better. It also helps you be aware of what an open house looks like and what takeaways you can use in YOUR open houses. (Note: As a new agent, I viewed 10 Open Houses a week and wrote down a book of do’s and don’ts that has helped me to this day with my open houses I host for clients.)
  7. Do NOT use the restroom in an open house. I’m sure there is a coffee shop or fueling station nearby you can go to if you absolutely need to go. Stinking up a bathroom during an open house is an absolute NO NO!
  8. RESPECT OTHERS AND THEIR HOMES. Treat these homes as if they were your own or if they were your mother’s home. 

If you are interested in learning more, stay tuned for helpful links to some great Open House Trainings. 


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